“What are you doing this summer?”

This summer will look very different from those preceding it. For starters, I am not home this summer. I will be living on campus this summer participating in a program called Summer Scholars. This is a selective program where, once accepted, you are paid to do research alongside a professor during the summer. I was asked by my favorite professor and even though mathematical research is scary, I would do anything to have the chance to work under this woman (she’s awesome). I thought about writing out what I will be researching but normally when I explain it to people they zone out and say I lost them after “so you remember polynomials?” haha. So for your sake, let’s just say I am doing some research that will allow me to combine my love for math with my future career in teaching and I’m PUMPED! 

The program normally starts in June but for those of you who read my previous blog posts know that I will be studying abroad this summer. I will be in Europe this summer during the months of June as I travel through the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy (for a free weekend with my gals). I am beyond excited for this trip, as you can imagine. I will be studying cross-cultural leadership as part of my leadership minor! So yes, I will be doing some work but you can bet I’ll be eating some cool food I can’t pronounce and seeing some sights along the way. You can read about what I’ve been doing to prepare for that here: http://adelynnoble.com/2019/01/05/pre-study-abroad/

Since I’ll be abroad during the normal start date for Summer Scholars, I stared in May! Most of the research will be independent, and while trying to discovering broad questions and develop new concepts is hard, I have a secret weapon: the beach. For those of you who don’t know, CNU is on the coast of Virginia and there are beaches all around me. I am so excited to have access to the beach and know that those frustrating days won’t be so bad after some time in the sun. Although, I’ve already had one of those beach days when Erika came to visit and I don’t know if my body was ready. I am a lobster. 

After I come back from Europe I will finish out Summer Scholars by the start of August which will transition nicely into Resident Assistant training! I will then move into my RA dorm and begin preparing for the coming semester and getting to know the staff and procedures! Then before I know it the semester will start and I will be a junior. Woah. 

Let me end by saying that even though all of this sounds like a dream, it will be hard. I am living 5 hours from my favorite people in the whole world and I will (and do) miss them a lot. The busyness of my summer means I’m not sure when the next time is that I’ll be home. And I have to cook for myself, yikes. But I have a community here through my church and thankfully have some friends in the area. And of course I know that my God has be here for a reason. 

xoxo, Adelyn

Categories Life

2 thoughts on ““What are you doing this summer?”

  1. Adelyn,, I am so exited for you!! What incredible opportunities,, how can I be praying for you through this summer.. feel free to e mail me , I would love to have the privelege of praying for you… I am your dads cousin. love and prayer Jamie


  2. “Foods I can’t pronounce..” made me laugh! I’m excited for your upcoming summer, and I want to encourage you to keep going to the beach and taking every day in 15 minute increments so that you can enjoy it all slowly- polynomials, Swiss cheese and sand.


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